Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Living Beyond Fear

     About 4 years ago, I went on mission trip to Kenya, Africa, not knowing that place was going to change my life. One of my favorite memories was walking through the towns and villages, admiring the children. When they saw a ‘mzungu’(white person) they giggled and shouted. Some would run toward me with excitement, and others would hide from the sight of a foreigner. Those who weren’t afraid would grab my hands so eagerly, as though we had been friends forever. The people and children made it so easy to fall in love with them and their country.

     In just 6 short months, I have been given the opportunity to return to Kenya. So often when I mention visiting such a foreign country, I get a response like, "That's great, but aren't you afraid? or Do you know how dangerous it is?" Most days I do not have the right words to respond to such a common question.

     But let me ask you this.... How much more dangerous is the comfort of our soul?! (Matthew 10:28) "I am much more terrified of living a comfortable life in a self-serving society and failing to follow Jesus, than I am of any illness or tragedy." When we are focused on serving the Lord, we are not focused the task or our fears, because we are focused on Him.

     My heart had found its joy, as I served the beautiful people the world calls “poor” but who seemed so rich in love to me. I lost a part of my heart to a place I had never been before. My prayer is to solely remain in the center of the Lord's will - no matter the where He leads, long or short term, I know He is greater. This is my passion and I have chosen to dedicate my life to it!

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